This guide will show you how to set up Votifier so users can vote for your Minecraft server in exchange for rewards.
You will need to have installed votifier on your server to configure it.
To setup Votifier on your Minecraft server:
1. Go your server's control panel. On the left-side navigation press "Files" and then "FTP File Access".
2. Navigate to the folder /plugins/Votifier/
3. Find the file "config.yml" and click "edit". A text editor will pop up.
4. Locate and change the “port” from 8192 to any 4 digit number above 1024. An example, 8167 will work.
5. Once you have changed the value of the port from 8192, click the "Save" bottom of the text editor.
6. Go back to the main control panel of your server, and click the "Restart" button. Votifier will now use the new port that you specified to listen for votes.
Once you have successfully installed the main Votifier plugin, you will need to install a vote listener. A vote listener is an additional plugin that gets triggered by Votifier once a vote is received. This is where you set the commands you would like to be executed once a vote is received.
Here is a list of recommended vote listeners for Votifier:
SuperbVote: For 1.12+
VotingPlugin: For 1.12+
If you get stuck reach out to our support team!